These sneakers are made from recycled coffee, tennis balls

4 years ago

Did you know that the pair of brand-new shoes you bought recently might have an adverse effect on the environment?…

How Hurien helps you in avoiding wasting food

4 years ago

As the world gravitates towards concepts like intentional living and minimalism, people across the world are rethinking how they can…

O Ri Duniya program, an online gathering for curated conversations to understand our world

4 years ago

“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned…

Enjoy your Boba tea in Elephant Cuppa’s eco-friendly tumbler

4 years ago

Come summer, most of us would give an arm for a cool smoothie of Boba tea to get some reprieve…

Effective Indoor Air Quality Strategies to Implement During COVID-19

4 years ago

Consumers are growing wary of the air they breathe, with 94% of those surveyed here considering indoor air quality important…

Zoox is all set to change urban commuting with its robotaxis

4 years ago

With climate change assuming a more important place in nations’ list of concerns, governments across the world are pushing for…

The study predicts fewer, but more destructive cyclones due to global warming

4 years ago

Cyclone Amphan which ravaged South Bengal and Bangladesh in May 2020 was the lone super cyclone to sweep the Bay…

India At A Turning Point: Coal or Renewables – At Stake The Future Of The Nation

4 years ago

Under the “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan”, the self-reliant India Scheme, the current BJP government wants to make India completely self sufficient…

Ditch paper for this eco-friendly static charge whiteboard

4 years ago

Every spiral you use to take down notes, every printout you get from the copier in your office and every…

Track the birds visiting your garden with Bird Buddy

4 years ago

Natural historian David Attenborough once said: Live feeds serve as a means of lifeline and communication between us, and the…