Adeela Hameed

History of Coal in India

Coal is one of the ancient sources of energy known to mankind and its mining started thousands of years back.…

4 years ago

History of Firecrackers in India

Not just sacred and formidable, fire is also alluringly entertaining in its various avatars. One of its avatars is fireworks.…

4 years ago

Slow Living Lifestyle is Purposeful and Fulfilling

Why on Earth are we trying to hurry? It is not good to be lazy or procrastinate, but what’s required…

4 years ago

Our Oceans are Becoming Acidic, and it’s not Good!

Our oceans absorb about 30% of CO2 released in the atmosphere. As the levels of atmospheric CO2 increase from human…

4 years ago

Wildfires 2020: Still Debating Whether Climate Change is Real?

The biggest challenge in protecting pristine forest ecosystems, apart from deforestation, is combating wildfires. It has been reported that the…

4 years ago

A Brief History of Flu: The Most Dangerous Silent Killing Disease of All Time

With the world fighting coronavirus and its associated strains, what has yet again hogged the limelight is that most virus…

4 years ago

EPI 2020 Reveals India Is Yet To Achieve Sustainability

Out of 180 countries, India ranked 168th in the 2020 Environmental Performance Index (EPI). It maintained that India’s decarbonization agenda…

4 years ago

River Systems of India: A Journey from Sacred to Polluted

Indian peninsula has been favoured by large perennial and seasonal rivers that adorn the vastness of its geography and provide…

4 years ago

Have You Been Greenwashed?

In support of the environment, people go out of their way to buy organic produce or products claimed to be…

5 years ago

Why Are Free-flowing Rivers Important?

Rivers are lifelines of every civilization and have been so since the beginning of time. Yet at present, the planet…

5 years ago

What does Organic Certification Mean?

Organic is usually related to natural material, stuff grown or manufactured without artificial chemicals, with no synthetics, or GMOs. Organic…

5 years ago

Why is it Difficult to Manufacture Vaccines for a Virus?

Vaccines are developed to reduce the risk of getting a disease. These help by working with our body’s natural defense…

5 years ago