
Economic importance of Dysoxylum binectariferum

Family: Meliaceae Common name: Lassuni amari Origin: India Description: Evergreen tree, leaves with leaflets cuneate at the base, entirely or…

13 years ago

Economic importance of Araucaria angustifolia

Family: Araucariaceae Genus: Araucaria Species: A. angustifolia Origin: Brazil Common name:  Candelabra tree Description: It is an evergreen tree .The…

13 years ago

Tree or grass- the fate of Bamboo…

Do you care about classifications? Or do you subscribe to the Shakespearean philosophy of "What's in a name? That which…

13 years ago

Economic Importance of Cinnamomum camphora

Family:  Lauraceae Genus: Cinnamomum Species: Cinnamomum camphora Common name: Camphor tree, Kapur, Karpura Origin:  China Description: Middle sized evergreen tree…

13 years ago

Economic importance of Terminalia spp.

Botanical name:  T. arjuna  T. bellerica Family:  Combretaceae Origin: India Description: Large, evergreen tree with generally fluted stem, spreading crown…

13 years ago

Economic importance Lagerstroemia spp.

  Botanical name: L. indica Linn. L. speciosa Pers. L. tomentosa Presl. Family:  Lythraceae Description:  Small to medium  sized deciduous…

13 years ago

Economic importance of Mesua ferrea

  Family: Calophyllaceae Genus: Mesua Species: M. ferrea Common name: Nahor, Nag kesar Origin: India Description: Evergreen tree, leaves opposite,…

13 years ago

Economic importance of Acacia auriculiformis

Kingdom: Plantae Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae Genus: Acacia Species: A. auriculiformis Common name: Australian wattle Origin: Australia Description: Moderate sized ,evergreen tree, bark smooth, leaf stalks are…

13 years ago

Economic importance of Delonix regia

Family: Fabaceae Genus: Delonix Species: D. regia Common name: Gulmohar Origin: Madagascar Description: Moderate sized fast growing, deciduous tree and…

13 years ago

Economic importance of Citrus grandis

Common name: Pummelo, Chakotra Family: Rutaceae Origin: Malaysia Description: Fruit is usually a pale green to yellow when ripe (but…

13 years ago