Sustainable Companies

50 YEARS OF EMPOWERING THE MAHSEER – And Blue-Finned is out of the Red

The Tiger of the freshwaters The tiger of the jungle prowls in our imagination. Filling our senses with striped glory…

4 years ago

Jain Irrigation ranked 7th in the list of Fortune’s 51 Change the World companies

The Fortune’s first ‘Change the World’ came out with the aim to highlight and recognize the efforts of corporations and…

9 years ago

Greenhouse Gas Management at Wipro Ltd

Carbon dioxide is one of the six Greenhouse gases (GHG) that causes climate change. Therefore it is important to reduce…

12 years ago

GRI based sustainability reporting in India

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an organization that produces a comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that is widely used around the…

13 years ago