
The Rise of Geothermal Energy

We've known about geothermal energy and the benefits it can provide for many, many years. But despite all of its…

7 years ago

New GEA Report showcases Bright Geothermal Outlook

The latest report released by the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) reveals that the international power market is booming, with a…

11 years ago

Basics of geothermal energy and its uses

Introduction This article provides an introduction to geothermal energy, its basics and its uses in different ways. It is a…

11 years ago

First Geothermal Power Plant in India coming up at Chhattisgarh

As per reports, very soon the first geo-thermal power project for India will be established in Tatapani, Chhattisgarh. Chief minister…

12 years ago

Gujarat Planning to Explore Geothermal Energy

According to reports, Gujarat is planning to explore options in the field of geothermal energy. This is one particular area…

12 years ago

Geothermal Energy and its Potential in India

We all know about solar, wind, Hydropower but there are a host of other renewable technologies that have not been…

12 years ago