Marine Pollution

Our Oceans are Becoming Acidic, and it’s not Good!

Our oceans absorb about 30% of CO2 released in the atmosphere. As the levels of atmospheric CO2 increase from human…

4 years ago

How Seabin Project is pumping out hundreds of kilograms of plastic from oceans

Did you know that a reserve of around 14 million tonnes of microplastics might be buried at the bottom of the world’s…

4 years ago

Most table salts sold in India are likely to contain microplastics from polluted seawater: IIT Study

The Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B) has done a study on the table salts that are sold in India, and…

6 years ago

How your Contact Lens harm the environment

Have you ever tried to flush your contact lens down the sink or toilet? Do you think that it is…

7 years ago

Ocean Plastic for Real Madrid’s third kit

Kit suppliers Adidas in partnership with Parley for Oceans, a non-profit devoted to promoting awareness on the increasing plastic contamination…

7 years ago

Devastating Oil Spills of the Century

Oil spills has been a prevalent problem since long which the world has been trying to deal with. A result…

9 years ago

Marine pollution

Each time I visit a coastline or a beach and see tiny bits of plastic and other waste I keep…

10 years ago

Tuna Fish heart affected by Oil Spills

It was long known that oil spills can cause serious damage to the biodiversity in seas and oceans, and a…

11 years ago

MARPOL – An International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

Marpol (Marine Pollution) is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978.…

12 years ago