Solid waste recycling not an impossible task. Let’s do it!

Imagine walking through any road or a suburb of a city not splintered with solid waste, plastic and other domestic…

10 years ago

Task Force on Waste to Energy submits report

A Task Force constituted under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Kasturirangan has submitted its report to the Planning Commission. The…

11 years ago

Draft Municipal Solid Waste (management and handling) rules 2013

Ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) has released draft rules for management and handling of municipal solid waste. Once implemented,…

12 years ago

How to Quantify GHG Emission from Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Sites?

We explained in our last post about the emission of methane from Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Sites (SWDS). In this…

12 years ago

How do Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Sites Emit Methane?

Municipal Solid Waste is the waste material typically discarded by households comprising dry & wet waste materials. Solid waste is…

12 years ago