Job Title: NGS Scholarship (NGSS) for International Students at NUS in Singapore, 2015 Location: Singapore Organization’s profile: Applicants need to…
Job Title: Using Row Cropping For Integrating Cover Crops And Weed Management Organic Cereal- PHD Location: Denmark Organization’s profile: The…
Job Title: PhD Scholarships in Weather Related Risks (WRR) at UME Graduate School in Italy Location: Italy Organization’s profile: The…
Job Title: UNU-ISP PhD Scholarships in Sustainability Science for Indians Location: Japan Organization’s profile: PhD scholarships in the area of…
Job Title: Vice-Chancellor PhD Scholarships at Bournemouth University Location: UK Organization’s profile: Bournemouth University's origins can be traced to the…
Job Title: UNU-ISP PhD Scholarships in Sustainability Science for Developing Countries in Japan Location: Japan Organization’s profile: Scholarships are for…
Job Title: PhD Scholarships in Weather Related Risks (WRR) at UME Graduate School Location: Italy Organization’s profile: UME Graduate School…
Job Title: PhD Positions at Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Location: Denmark Organization’s profile: The Department of Geosciences…
Job Title: Developing Climate-Smart Agriculture At Farm And Landscape Scale In East Africa - A Phd Position With Wur And…
Job Title: PhD Monitoring Tropical Forests Location: Netherlands Organization’s profile: Wageningen University, part of Wageningen UR, is the only university…
Job Title: CIFOR Multi scale monitoring of forest carbonchanges for REDD+ Location: Netherlands Organization’s profile: The Centre for Geo-Information at…
Job Title: Developing Climate-Smart Agriculture At Farm And Landscape Scale In East Africa - A Phd Position With Wur And…