GHG mangement

Carbon Footprint Calculation- A small introduction of ISO 14064

A carbon footprint is the total sum of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event, product, or person.  As we are aware, the increasing concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere can accelerate climate change and global warming, it is very necessary to measure these emissions from our day to day activities. The first step towards managing GHG emissions is to measure them. There are some standards and guidelines to measure GHG emissions like GHG protocol, ISO 14064, the more comprehensive one Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), market-based mechanisms like Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS), etc. Out of them, ISO 14064 is an offset protocol and independent, voluntary GHG project accounting standard help to quantify GHG emission of the organization, event, product, or person.

The following schematic shows how ISO14064 help to calculate the carbon footprint of an organization, event, product, or person;

 Calculate your home Carbon footprint;

Our day to day activities is moreover dependent on electricity which is mostly coming from coal-based power plants, Diesel and Petrol for our vehicles and LPG for cooking in our kitchen. All of the energy we use is derived from these fossil fuels which are GHG intensive.  The following methodology helps you to calculate your carbon footprint resulting from the use of Electricity, Petrol, Diesel, and LPG.

 Step 1- Data collection;

  1. Electricity: Collect data on your annual electricity bills. You can find the number of power units (In India, one unit = 1KWh of electricity) consumed in your home from the monthly electricity bills issues by State Electricity Board/ Distribution/Collection companies. Take monthly consumed units and then multiply them by 12 (No of months in a year).
  2. Petrol/Diesel:  Add the number of liters of petrol/diesel you used in your car/motorcycle in a year. If you do not remember the exact value right now, please add average values.
  3. LPG: Generally one LPG cylinder has around 14 kg of liquefied petroleum gas. Multiply the number of cylinders used in a year by 14 and add the resulted value in the calculation.    

Step 2 – Calculation Methodology;

  1. Electricity : Input value (in KWh/Yr) X 0.85 (Emission Factor) =  Output value in (Kg of CO2)
  2. Petrol: Input Value(In Litres/Yr) X 2.296(Emission Factor) =  Output value in (Kg of CO2)
  3. Diesel: Input Value(In Litres/Yr) X 2.653 (Emission Factor) =  Output value in (Kg of CO2)
  4. LPG: Input Value(In Kg/Yr) X 2.983 (Emission Factor) =  Output value in (Kg of CO2)
  5. Your Carbon Footprint : Add (1+2+3+4) = Output value in (Kg of CO2)

Divide final value (no 5) with 1000 so that you get a total carbon footprint in a ton of CO2.

The final Carbon footprint should be in tons of CO2 (tCO2.).

Know more about the source of emission factors;

  • Electricity = 0.85 kg CO2 per KWh, Source: CO2 emission factor database, version 06, CEA (Government of India),
  • Motor gasoline/ Petrol = 2.296 kg CO2 per liter, Source: Emission factors are taken from the file “Emission factors from across the sector -tool”,  extracted from
  • Diesel= 2.653 kg CO2 per liter, Source: Emission factors are taken from the file “Emission factors from across the sector -tool”,  extracted from
  • Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) = 2.983 kg CO2 per kilogram, Source: Emission factors are taken from the file “Emission factors from across the sector -tool” extracted from

If you have any issues with this calculation, please write to us at

Shailesh Telang

Shailesh is post graduate in Environment Management from Forest Research Institute (FRI) University, Dehradun, India. Presently he is working in the areas of Environmental and Renewable Energy Advisory Services. He has started during his college days.

View Comments

  • The emission factor you have mentioned for electricity are not correct. The number is 0.85 tons of CO2/MWh which translates to 0.85 kg of CO2/kWh.

    • Thanks for your comment. The emission factor for electricity (i.e.0.00085 tons of CO2/KWh) mentioned in the articles is absolutely correct. We have just mentioned the incorrect unit. Thanks for pointing this out. The necessary changes have been made in the article.

      • both of you are correct basically 0.00085 tons of co2/kwh=0.85 tons of co2/Mwh=0.85 kg of co2/Kwh
        as 1ton=1000kg

  • Hello,

    I am analyzing the carbon foot print of two products....

    one involves weaving process.....

    and the other involves machinery degradation of recycled textile into fibres...

    i need data and the process to calculate these two processes.

    Please guide..


    Anita Ray

    • I don’t have expertise of carbon accounting in textile section. There is requirement to learn the entire process of manufacturing. Then only, I can say something. However, I suggest to refer PAS 2050:2008 standard for the same.

  • Kindly elaborate on how did you determine the carbon emissions factor, for example... 0.85 kg CO2 per KWh and 2.653 kg CO2 per litre.

    The site that you specify does not contain any such direct information.How did you calculate?

    • Haven't you checked references given in the article? I've given all references with respective links. Please access those links to get proper information. However, I am explaining here again - 0.85 kg CO2 per KWh is for Indian power grid. The source for this information is Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Government of India. 2.653 kg CO2 per litre is for Diesel (Sourced from GHG protocol). I hope this information will help you.

      • The value of emission factor is correct 0.85? because as per Central Electricity Authority emission factor is 0.82 kg CO2 per kg. version 12.

  • An NGO named national carbon management association will assist to calculate co2 emissions and help you to achieve carbon neutrality, free of cost

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