Categories: Carbon MarketsEnergy

MAHAGENCO – Successfully Completed One Year in Operating Solar PV Project

The state owned power utility company MAHAGENCO (Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd) is successfully operating a solar PV power plant since the past one year in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. MAHAGENCO operates large thermal power plants in the state making it a major power generating company. MAHAGENCO initially commissioned one demonstration solar PV project of 1MWp capacity. However, this project is its first fully fledged solar project and the electricity generated from it will be used to fulfill Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO). Solar power project has a total of 4 MWp of installed capacity. Break-up of the total capacity is 2 MWp based on Thin Film Technology and a 2MWp based on Multi Crystalline Technology. The project was commissioned in Feb 2012.

Project location: The project activity is located in Village: Ambora, Post: Urja Nagar, Taluka: Chandrapur in Maharashtra.

Project technology: Project is using both Crystalline and Thin Film technologies. The generated DC power from solar panels is being converted into AC power using inverters. The output electricity from the inverters is being stepped up to 33Kv using transformers.  The electrical power at 33 kV level is evacuated through appropriate transmission arrangements to a 33 kV feeder from Chandrapur MIDC substation and connected to the 33 kV grid.

Solar module technology in detail;

Details of solar PV modules Technical Details of 2 MWp Crstalline Technology Technical Details of 2 MWp Thin films Technology
Type of Solar Photovoltaics modules Crystalline Thin film
Make of Solar Photovoltaic modules WAAREE Energies Pvt Ltd QS Solar
Model of PVmodules WS-230 QS 85
Capacity of each photovoltaic modules 230 85
Total number of photovoltaic modules 8696 23688
No.of Modules in Series (string) 7 7
No of Strings in parallel 3384 3384
No. of junction boxes 32 24
Lifetime of project 25 25
Max power voltage Vmp 29 87.5 V
Max Power Current Imp 7.93 A 0.98 A
Length of the Frame 1660mm 1400mm
Width of the Frame 992 mm 1100 mm
Weight 20.5 Kg 25.1 Kg
Module Efficiency 14% Not provided (Usually 10-12%)

 Electricity generation

Parameters Values Unit
Installed capacity 4 MW
No of days 365 Days
Hours 24 Hr
Plant Load Factor (PLF) 17.41 %
Electricity generation 6,100 MWh


Carbon credits 

MAHAGENCO is also availing benefits of carbon credits. The project is registered under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) which is governed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Please find relevant information below;

Carbon Credit Certification/mechanism CDM
CDM Methodology AMS ID Ver.17
Date of registration 20th Dec 2012
Crediting period 7 Yrs (Renewable)
Crediting period started from 2012-13
GHG grid emission factor 0.95 tCO2/MWh
Annual average GHG emission reduction (Carbon Credits) 5,616
Total GHG emission reductions (Carbon Credits) till 2018-19 39,310

The status of carbon market is uncertain and hence the possible revenue from this project is expected to be lower than usual. Please read more about the current scenario of carbon market and knowhow of the situation.

This project has created a good example for state owned utilities. In addition, the clean energy generation from this project is contributing in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of India.

Information Source: CDM PDD of this project activity available on UNFCCC website.

Shailesh Telang

Shailesh is post graduate in Environment Management from Forest Research Institute (FRI) University, Dehradun, India. Presently he is working in the areas of Environmental and Renewable Energy Advisory Services. He has started during his college days.

View Comments

  • You are requested to kindly re-check your figures as the figures you have given are not correct, especially in thin film techonology.( Eg. Capacity of thin film modules are 230 )



    • Thanks for your comment. All the figures have been sourced from registered Project Design Document (PDD) of the said project project activity. The link of PDD is given at the end of the article. However, I've search on QS Solar website and I found brochure for QS 85 solar PV module and it says 85 (capacity) instead of 230. You can access this link from here Thanks for pointing this out. CDM-PDD is incorrect in this case. However, I've updated the number.

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