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Project Manager Vacancy- Marine Ecologist

Job Title: Project Manager – Marine Ecologist (Benthic, oceanography, fisheries, data)


The incumbent will work towards priority gap identified by Falkland Islands Offshore Hydrocarbons Environmental Forum (FIOHEF) with regard to benthic ecology, oceanography, and fisheries. Primary objective is data collation and curation so as to use them in future EIAs.


The contract will be for a period of two years. Applicants should have a PhD in Marine Benthic Ecology or equivalent subject and at least 5 years post graduate experience working in marine ecology.

How to apply:

For more information, a detailed job description and application form, please contact the Recruitment Officer, Falkland House, 14 Broadway, Westminster, London SW1H OBH Email: recruitment(at)falklands(dot)gov(dot)fk
Tel: 020 7222 2542 or Fax: 020 7222 2375.

Contact Dr Paul Brickle – pbrickle(at)env(dot)institute(dot)ac(dot)fk

Last Date of Application: By noon 27/01/2014.

Reference: YETI

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