Economic importance of Dysoxylum binectariferum
Family: Meliaceae
Common name: Lassuni amari
Origin: India
Description: Evergreen tree, leaves with leaflets cuneate at the base, entirely or obscurely dentate along the margins, acuminate at the apex. Flowers shortly pedicellate. Calyx cup- shaped, entirely or obscurely 5-lobed, about half as long as petals. Petals 4, velvety.
Economic Importance:
- Wood can be sawn and machined well and worked to a smoothed surface. Timber used for building construction, boxes, canoes, and turnery; also suitable for match boxes and splints, cigar- boxes, and ply board.
- These trees are regarded as essential components of the native rainforest of their ecosystems such as the Australian temperate rainforest.
- Wood was widely used in furniture trade.
- Bark contains tannin.