Regional Community Outreach and Communications Specialist Forest-PLUS Program
|Job Title: Regional Community Outreach and Communications Specialist, Forest-PLUS Program/Tetratech ARD
Location: Rampur, Himachal Pradesh and Gangtok, Sikkim
Organization’s profile:
The Partnership for Land Use Science (Forest-PLUS) program is a five-year sustainable landscapes program, between USAID/India and Government of India (GOI). The program will contribute to USAID/India’s Assistance Objective of accelerating India’s transition to a low emissions economy by taking REDD+ actions to scale. Forest-PLUS aims to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhance sequestration through afforestation, conservation, and sustainable management of forests. The program will feed into the GOI’s NAPCC and Green India Mission.
Job Description:
Implement the field work as and when assigned.
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Mass Communication, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, agriculture extension, natural resource management (NRM), rural development, social work and five years of experience if you have a masters degree and seven years if a bachelor’s degree.
How to apply:
Send CV and 3 references to recruitment.forestplus(at)gmail(dot)com.
Last date for the application: 7 February 2014