Shortfin Mako, the world’s fastest sharks on the path to extinction
|Shortfin Mako, the world’s fastest sharks that can go at speeds of up to 43mph are fished worldwide and there are no International fishing quotas limiting its hunt. To stop overfishing, scientists have recommended landings reduction by two thirds in the North Atlantic where these species are
Last year,
According to Sonja Fordham of Shark Advocates International, while the ICCAT and its 52 party states which supervise the tuna and tuna-like species conservation in the Atlantic and nearby seas have placed bans to retain vulnerable sharks like the bigeye thresher, oceanic whitetip sharks, they have failed to take care of the Mako.
These shortfin Makos produce very few young and take longer time than other shark species to mature. 18 years is the maturing time for females, a feature making these vulnerable. Based on a 2017 study conducted, even if the catch was reduced to zero and extra measures