Title: SRF Seed Science, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development Location: Uttarakhand Organization’s profile: G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development was established in
Title: Information Officer, Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding Location: Coimbatore Organization’s profile: The Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding is a national institute formed in
Title: Programme Officer, Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding Location: Coimbatore Organization’s profile: The Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding is a national institute formed in
Title: Research Associate, Calcutta University Location: Calcutta Organization’s profile: The University of Calcutta was established by an Act of the Legislative Council (Act No II of 1857) of
Title: Post Doctoral Scientist Fellow, CCMB Location: India Organization’s profile: The Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) is a premier research organization in frontier areas of modern
Title: Post Doctoral Fellow/Research Associate, CCMB Location: India Organization’s profile: The Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) is a premier research organization in frontier areas of modern
Title: Junior Research Fellow / Project Fellow, CCMB Location: India Organization’s profile: The Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) is a premier research organization in frontier areas
Title: Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering, Delhi Technological University Location: Delhi Organization’s profile: Formerly known as the Delhi College of Engineering, (initially established with the name – Delhi Polytechnic)
Title: Project Assistant, Delta Study, NCSCM Location: India Organization’s profile: NCSCM is executing a research study on GBM Delta-Coastal vulnerability. The study is basically to develop a modeling
Title: Junior Research Fellow, Delta Study, NCSCM Location: India Organization’s profile: NCSCM is executing a research study on GBM Delta-Coastal vulnerability. The study is basically to develop a
Title: Junior Research Fellow, Delta Study, NCSCM Location: India Organization’s profile: NCSCM is executing a research study on GBM Delta-Coastal vulnerability. The study is basically to develop a
Title: Project Assistant, TRUC Study, NCSCM Location: India Organization’s profile: NCSCM is executing the research study on Transformation and Resilience on Urban Coasts (TRUC). The TRUC study is