The long awaited reforestation project from India has been registered under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). Prakash Industry Ltd is now avail carbon revenue benefit from their 282.35
Afforestation and reforestation (A/R) is a complex class of CDM with only 27 registered projects across the globe. Out of these, five projects are from India. There are
Project Title: Small Scale Cooperative Afforestation CDM Pilot Project Activity on Private Lands Affected by Shifting Sand Dunes in Sirsa, Haryana. Sr. No Introductory Information (Pre-Project info) 1
Project Title: Reforestation of severely degraded landmass in Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh, India under ITC Social Forestry Project Sr. No Introductory Information (Pre-Project info) 1 Exact Location
Indian nodal agency for the national forestry research system, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun has been accredited by the United Nations- Clean Development Mechanism