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Infographic: Everything You Need To Know About Ants!

As any homeowner will tell you, once pests arrive in your home, they can be a nightmare to remove. A recent study revealed that for homeowners, ant are the most bothersome pests to have in the home. There are an estimated 10,000,000,000,000,000 individual ants on the planet. So it is inevitable that you’ll come across them at some point.

It’s important to know that ants are not just an eyesore, they can cause severe structural damage to your property and also pose some major health and safety risks for you and your co-inhabitants. Ants contaminate food and can carry some nasty diseases. If you have discovered ants in your home, it’s important to follow the necessary steps to rid them from your home for good.

Prevention is vital because once ants invade your home, it can be arduous trying to remove them. Blocking off their outside access point is the first step in preventing ants. By inspecting outdoor crevices, gutters and pipes, you’ll be able to determine how they are entering your abode. Ants love moisture, so by regularly checking under sinks, in damp basements and attics, you will be able to find the colony of the invading ants.

Ants are commensal pests which means that they like living close to humans. Similarly, they eat human foods including: liquids, sugar, meats and starches. By routinely sweeping your floors and wiping down your tables and counter tops, excess crumbs and residue won’t lay waiting for the hungry ants to feast on. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you seal all of your food properly and dispose of your garbage as often as possible.

Identifying the species of ant you have is also essential. In the infographic, we can see pictures of some of the most popular ants on earth. These include acrobat ants, house ants, carpenter ants, pavement ants, thief ants and pharaoh ants. Being aware of the ant species will allow you to understand what kind of damage they cause, where they are likely to nest and what kind of control measures you’ll need. For all the details on ants and some prevention tips, let’s take a look the infographic below!



Brad Lewis from Any Pest.

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