More than 5,500 churches in UK Switch to Renewable Energy
|Some of the UK’s most famous cathedrals have been converted to renewable power to improve and tackle climate change. More than 5000 churches have made this switch. There has been a switch to 100% renewable electricity in the Church of England places of worship, along with Baptist, Catholic, Quaker, Methodist, and Salvation Army congregations. Faith leaders have urged more to follow suit.

Southwark, Salisbury, Liverpool, St Albans, York Minister, and Coventry which are included in Fifteen Anglican cathedrals are among those buildings which are signed up to green electricity tariffs.
Climate change was one of the great moral challenges of our time, said the church leaders. These conditions have hurt the poor the worst.
Around £1,000 average annual church electricity bill, British churches have turned more than £5m that too from fossil fuels which are used to clean energy providers.
Cathedrals which are running on 100% renewable electricity are down to the Parish Buying’s Church of England’s procurement group. Moreover, other churches left have initiated through the Big Church Switch campaign, which is run by the Church of England’s environment programme and Christian charities Christian Aid and Tearfund.
A signing up of Parishes can be done with the national church buying group 2buy2, which merges the combined buying power. This is done in order to allocate the cheapest possible tariff. The renewable energy tariff was much cheaper than the fossil fuel-dominated one.