World Forestry Day, 21st March 2013
|March 21st, the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere, and the vernal equinox in the Northern, was chosen as the day which is now celebrated as World Forestry Day. Forestry needs to be valued and forests need to protected, preserved and used sustainably. Production, protection and recreation are the three key areas of forestry.
Forests cover approximately one third of the total land on our planet and play a major role in stabilising the climate. Many of the negative effects of global warming can be countered by simply taking care of the world forest resources. Forests still remain the main source of livelihood for the marginalised sections of society supporting their direct and indirect needs on a daily basis. The minor forest products are an important industry that fuels some of the most important medicinal supply.
Forests are facing a real threat due to the large amount of unchecked deforestation and their unsustainable use. REDD+ schemes are a good way to fulfil this objective by linking economic incentives with forest protection. The ultimate goal should be towards community based management of forests. Countries like India have evolved national legislations such as the Forest Rights Act to decentralise control over the forests.
We at GreenCleanGuide, wish our readers a very green World Forestry Day. Plant a tree for the future and see it sustain future generations for years to come.

Do you know about World Forests Clock? Please find below;
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