Tata Motors Issues Clarification Amid Reports that Babus have Rejected EV’s
|In media, reports have been submitted related to the disappointing performance and mileage of Tata Motors Tigor Electric Vehicles (EV). These vehicles are for the use of Government officials’ procured by EESL.

However, Tata Motors would like to shed light on some points that have been falsified and has stated some points below:
- They said that they had not heard range as a primary concern in the discussion conducted with customers and EESL.
- To stimulate the adoption of electrification, an unprecedented initiative of 10,000 cars was proposed by the EESL. It was the most efficient and biggest step of producing real interest for electric cars in the country.
- After consulting many of the experts, EESL was able to make a perfect balance between fulfilling the daily running requirements of the consumers and price accessibility, after which it settled down at some tender specs.
- Tigor EVs has been supplied by Tata Motors to EESL according to the requirements and terms specified in the tender.
- In India, most of the people are price conscious and 74% of car buyers have a budget of ₹400K-800K. When prices go higher than ₹1.5 million, the customers automatically get limited. In this scenario, the higher prices become a barrier to the adoption of electric cars in the country because of battery cost. However, the requirements specified in the tender chosen by EESL has kept the range in control taking care that the city people can easily afford it.
- According to the research findings, the average running of cars for personal use is around 50-60kms. With overnight charging, the range can be extended up to 130 km, which is more than sufficient to meet the daily requirement. Moreover, with fast charging network, range can also be taken in notice later. To produce a higher range, i.e., more than 250 kms, the battery cost would automatically go higher around ₹700k. This would, in turn, make electric cars prices higher and inaccessible for most of the Indian car buyers at the prevailing Li-ion battery prices.
- The battery prices are expected to come down in near future. The decrease in price will automatically attract consumers as it will comfort their mental level. Although the technology which can provide higher range and performance is available, it depends on the country whether to prioritize the higher performance and extended range factor or to give importance to price accessibility. Higher performance and range will lead to low sales because of more demand for low prices.
- Tata Motors is ready to launch its new range of electric cars that too based on the requirement of various use cases. They have used their long experience and wide expertise in providing smart mobility solutions. Tigor EV is its first product which is customized on the EESL’s tender specifications. More products with higher range and performance will be launched soon to bring greater excitement for electric cars in the Indian market. The prices of these cars will automatically be higher based on the battery capacity and cost.
- By 2030, Tata Motors is committed to the e-mobility mission of the Government and is working in a collaborative manner to make a faster adoption of electric vehicles in India thereby making a sustainable future.