Economic Importance of Jacaranda mimosaefolia
Family: Bigoniaceae
Genus: Jacaranda
Species: J. mimosifolia
Common name: Nili gulmohar
Origin: Brazil
Description: Blue jacaranda is a small to medium sized tree and feathery foliage with light irregular crown. Leaves are borne at the ends of branches, bipinnate, symmetrical like a fern. Flower has a 5 toothed calyx, a curved tubular 2-5 lobed corolla and four stamens, hairy at the tip. Fruit is a capsule, broadly ovate or sub-orbicular ion shape with many compressed seeds.
Economic Importance:
- Jacaranda is mainly planted as an avenue plant but the fragrant wood is locally used for tool–handles. The wood is light and slightly fragrant. There are purple to greyish streaks in its tissues, which make the grain attractive. The tree is generally not felled for its wood or timber. The branches and stem of the dead and dry trees are utilised, generally as firewood. The trees, putting up good stature, if no longer required on the avenues, are converted into timber and used for cheap furniture, ceiling and floor planking, etc.
- The dried leaves of Jacaranda are used in an ointment for healing wounds. Leaves also used as a vulnerary, their infusion given as a pectoral.
- An infusion of the bark is used as a lotion for washing ulcers. The bark and leaves are also used for treating syphilis and gonorrhoea. Bark and leaves are used for syphilis and blennorrhagia.
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