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Green Consumers – Leadership

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9. Green Consumers

EKOenergy An increasing number of companies are taking the lead in changing over to 100% green energy. Leaders like Walmart, Google and Facebook are demonstrating that renewable energy is a sustainable as well as viable investment. Many businesses in 2013 adopted specific renewable energy targets as an extension of sustainability strategies.

The U.S. EPA’s Green Power Partnership now includes more than 700 organizations that rely exclusively on renewable energy for their electricity needs through a combination of green power purchases and on-site renewable energy systems.

Many companies are entering into partnerships to achieve green goals. BMW is partnering with SolarCity to facilitate financing of EVs. Similarly IKEA teamed up with Nissan and Ecotricity in 2013 to install charging stations at all of its U.K. stores

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Image credit: EKOenergy label is an international ecolabel for electricity. It is managed by a network of European environmental NGOs


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