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Why Environmental Education Is Good For Your Kids

The growing global population, true strength of this planet, must understand that it cannot tidy its surroundings without sweeping away the root cause of contamination; ignorance. Ignorance or being unenlightened, whatever one may call it, is a force that leads to ruin. Couple it with a self-serving attitude and you have the cocktail of destruction. To treat ignorance, it is better to let go of it.

Environmental Education, Image Credit: US Bureau of Land Management

Our world, developing to be a super planet, is and always has been a place where most people are never aware of what lies ahead or what their actions can cultivate. People believe in an unseen God yet treat environment with nothing but contempt, and trample upon it without caring for after-effects. Which, regrettably, will arrive. How and when? Soon enough, given the present state of affairs.

Troubles arise only when humans interfere with a balanced ecosystem. This is what our kids, our future, should know. Nature has a capability, a tendency to restore originality. It is alive like us, and like us, fights infections. Here, the infections are human-funded, caused by us, and in response also affect us. This ability of a naturally existing environment to restore unbalanced dynamics is negative feedback. To counter a virus, antivirals are developed. Similarly to counter abnormal exploitation of reserves, the environment retaliates by its own standard of fighters. Sometimes, these defenders affect climate while at others lead to pandemics.

Environmental Education is Key

What the world needs now is complete understanding of every part of its vast biogeographical arena and the increasing human resource to formulate a way for sustainable development. Educationists and young research enthusiasts have to come forth and work for protection of our niche. However trivial it may seem, a small aberration has a thousand-fold impact on our planet’s ecosystem.

The first and foremost step in achieving the same is knowing about environment, sustainable development and adaptation. For the benefit of our future generation, it is, thus, imperative to help them gain awareness of their environment. Exorcising is never easy but damages caused by our morbid activities can be counter-acted by good and sound environmental education. Of course, planting more trees, representing global forests, disengagement from plastics, and genuine research are important aspects to consider for the time being. Earth is calling out to people who are ready to work; for the planet and themselves. When the young are aware, they will work and believe in environmentalism. This new faith would be nurtured and would induce a sense of conservation and protection every step into tomorrow.

Environmental Learning in School

To make sure kids know about environment, it is necessary to provide them a thorough knowledge of this subject, starting from basics. It is good that education system in India helps. NCERT, or National Council of Educational Research and Training has introduced Environmental Science as a compulsory subject for all students from 3rd to 12th class. Apart from this, college level students from all streams have compulsory Environmental Science education as part of their degree. Universities provide Masters degrees in various fields related to the environment and major researches are duly accepted for Ph.D. Schools and colleges are supported in their bit to help out the environment by funding rallies, poster-making competitions, or marathons run for environmental awareness.

Career Procurement

After getting a degree, students can build a resume, add few certifications, and showcase it to every potential employer. Adding to their CV online courses completed from prestigious universities can help in landing a good job. When well-versed with knowledge, they might not find it difficult to converse with people from various organisations related to the environment. Additionally, a company might find it useful if a candidate is informed of the regulations that need to be taken care of in a start-up or an already established business. Social media profiles like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter would help in relaying their expertise to a larger audience. They might be offered freelance environment related jobs on a good enough stipend. Companies, in their bid to be environmentally cautious, usually hire individuals, on a part-time or regular basis, to overlook ecological impact of their business. Every MNC (multi-national company) or SSI (small-scale industry) is searching for responsible environmental consultants nowadays.

To increase options at being scouted for best environment jobs, what they also need is skill development. Knowing about waste management, climate risk assessment, researches in environmental science, environmental and social impact assessment, and environmental journalism is important and bound to help them in procuring a dream job in this field. Understanding environmental science is easy but finessing it, a bit hard. So, the students should be fully aware of their aspirations. The next step would be to observe the competition. It is only then that they can acquire the desired job.

When the new generation learns about the environment, they will have a new perspective towards it. And ideas, lots of ideas, to help protect it.

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