IGBC Green Existing Buildings (O & M) Rating System
|Since independence, India has experienced enormous growth in the construction industry. Since the last two decades, this growth has multiplied several times. Growing construction activity means a growing requirement of land, energy and materials. Construction of buildings requires various raw materials which leaves an additional burden on limited natural resources of earth. In addition, constructed buildings also have energy and other resource requirements in its lifetime. To enable the construction industry to be environmentally friendly, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has established the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).
Green buildings are environmentally sustainable buildings that use minimum resources and contribute in lesser waste generation. Whether Green buildings are really green is to be decided against the predefined rating systems. There are three primary Rating systems in India- (1) GRIHA, (2) IGBC and (3) BEE (Please click here for more information). IGBC rating system is the most dominant rating system in India. However, IGBC rating systems are for new buildings and leaves existing building untouched for such ratings.
To address existing buildings to be rated for green building rating systems; IGBC has launched exclusive ‘IGBC Green Existing Building O&M Rating in April 2013. By applying IGBC Green Existing Building O&M criteria, existing buildings can be sustainable over the life cycle of the building. By using these new criteria, the building owner and developer can apply green concepts to reduce the environmental impacts and measure the outcome. As per IGBC, existing building can reduce water & energy consumption by around 15 – 30 % and also reduce waste and contribute in pollution reduction. This in turn provides better health & higher satisfaction levels for occupants.

IGBC Green Existing Building O&M Rating will be governed by Green Existing Buildings O&M Committee. The committee includes facility managers, corporate, government, builders, developers, architects, consultants, manufacturers and industry representatives. Every year, the rating system will be reviewed by the committee. This will ensure that it is updated and contemporary.
Key important points about IGBC Green Existing Building O&M Rating;
- IGBC Green Existing Buildings O&M Rating System is voluntary.
- The rating is designed to suit all building types in all climatic zones and is for both air-conditioned and non-air conditioned buildings.
- The pilot version of IGBC Existing Buildings O&M rating system is applicable for all types of non-residential buildings e.g. office buildings, IT Parks, BPOs, shopping malls, hotels, hospitals, airports, banks, etc.
- Residential and Factory buildings will not be eligible. They can use other existing rating systems. However, Buildings which are 80% occupied with respect to the carpet area and operational for a minimum of one year are eligible for certification under IGBC Existing Buildings O&M rating. In addition, Projects already certified and operational for more than 1 year are also eligible
- Campus projects having multiple buildings can be considered as one single project for registration and certification. However each building has to individually conform to the energy, water and fresh air mandatory requirements.
- Unlike other available rating system, this new rating systems will have very less documentation requirement.
- Water management has maximum weightage in rating. For energy related aspects, following standards are recommended to use – Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) or the Energy Performance Index (EPI) by BEE.
- Levels of certification are (1) Certified for Best Practices, (2) Silver rating for outstanding performance (3) Gold rating for national excellence (4) Platinum rating for global leadership.
- IGBC Existing Buildings O&M rating will be valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of the certification.
Project developer/Building owner interested in IGBC Green Existing Buildings O&M Certification for their project is required to register with IGBC on IGBC website. Website provides all the necessary information like required documents, templates, important communications, etc. Project developer/building owner has to satisfy all the mandatory requirements to get IGBC Green Existing Building O&M certification.
Please contact IGBC at following address to get more information on IGBC Green Existing Buildings O&M Certification;
Indian Green Building Council
C/o Confederation of Indian Industry
CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre
Survey No. 64, Kothaguda Post
Near Kothaguda Cross Roads, Ranga Reddy District
Hyderabad – 500 084, India